
Material for the current lectures can found on Ilias.


Term Paper Template (.docx, 105KB)
Template for the term paper.

General Study Regulations (.pdf, 487KB)
The general study regulations of the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences.

Changes of the Study Regulations for Sociology (.pdf, 76KB)
Please note the changes of the study regulations for sociology.

Sociology as a Complimentary Subject (.pdf, 15KB)
The informational sheet on sociology as a complimentary subject


Baccalaureate Exam

For the admission to the Baccalaureate exam, an application (1) provided on this website by the Institute of Sociology is necessary. The attachment to the application is also necessary and depends on when the studies began: students who started studying in Summer Semester 2010 or later need form 2a. The remaining students need form 2b. If you want to register for the baccalaureate exam: please fill out the appropriate forms, print out the PDFs, and submit them in the secretary’s office of the Institute of Sociology.